The link list for this month is longer than it has ever been before. I don't know where I'm supposed to find the time to try out all these mind blowing mouth watering recipes??!! Food bloggers: Hold you horses! Freeze! Not another recipe! I have a serious case of inspiration overload over here. If you guys read as many food blogs as I do I'm pretty sure you know I'm talking about. The feeling of standing paralyzed in front of a buffet not knowing where to begin. Do I just go from left to right trying out each thing in order or do I go straight for the most delicious pieces in case I get full halfway through? Hopefully this collection of links can help you navigate in the food blog jungle : )Oh and these collection of photos from the past month are my own. Apparently I ate a lot of sweet food? And there was snow - now only a memory. There was Coconut & Vanilla Oatmeal, Chocolate Muffins with Salted Chocolate Ganache, Beetroot Berry Smoothie, Swedish Semla, Banana Granola, Roasted Carrot Hummus and Tandoori Shakshuka.You know you can follow Cashew Kitchen on bloglovin and facebook right?! That way you never miss a post : )I'm also of course on instagram where I share snapshots from my surroundings as well as breakfast and lunch plates and pretty coffee scenes ; )One last PS before we head to the link list: have a look at Linn's blog Straightforward Nutrition tomorrow afternoon if you're curious about me, my education and my food philosophy, and find yet another yummy recipe (as if we need it) :D-Denna månads länklista är rekordlång. Jag vet inte när en ska hinna testa alla dessa knäppa och galet smarriga recept? Matbloggare: Ta det lugnt! Stopp! Paus! Det råder akut inspirations-overload här. Var börjar en liksom?? Om ni liksom jag läser många matbloggar så vet ni precis vad jag menar. Känslan av att stå paralyserad framför buffébordet och inte veta vad en ska börja smaka på och hur allt detta goda ska få plats i magen? Ska en gå från höger till vänster och ta allt i ordning, eller börja med det som verkar godast? Förhoppningsvis kan den här länklistan hjälpa er (oss) att navigera bland allt spännande i matbloggsdjungeln : )Ja, och så får ni ett gäng collage med mina egna bilder från månaden som gått : ) Tydligen åt jag en himla massa sötsaker? Och så var det snö - nu endast ett minne blott <3 Det åts Kokos & Vaniljgröt, Chokladmuffins med Saltad Chokladganache, Rödbetssmoothie, Semlor, Banangranola, Ugnsrostad Morotshummus samt Tandoori Shakshuka.Ni har väl inte missat att ni kan följa Cashew Kitchen på bloglovin och facebook? På så sätt missar ni inga inlägg :)Och så finns jag ju på instagram förstås där jag delar med mig av snapshots från min vardag, frukost och lunchbilder samt stiliga kaffearrangemang ; )Ett sista PS innan vi går till länklistan: Kika in på Linns blogg Straightforward Nutrition i morgon eftermiddag om ni är nyfikna på mig, min utbildning och min matfilosofi, samt för att läsa ytterligare ett smarrigt recept (som om vi behöver det! hehe) :D
Ok I'm not gonna bother to translate the link list to Swedish since it's only links anyway.Hold on tight and get ready for a massive wave of foodie inspiration:- I want to swan dive into a bowl of this Salted Caramel Peanut Sauce from In The Kitchen <3<3<3- These Spicy Tofu Noodles from My Darling Lemon Thyme looks so simple a frickin delicious!- And these photos, also from My Darling Lemon Thyme, made me wanna go back to Australia instantly and visit the western parts <3- I'm dying over this vegan Butternut Macaroni 'n' Tease from My New Roots!! Perfect also cause I just bought a jar of Nutritional Yeast Flakes :)))- Drooling over these Sticky Glazed Meatballs (both vegetarian and meat options) from Top With Cinnamon!- This Kraut Kopf project is so brilliant and beautiful I don't know how to take it in. So. Cute.- Homemade Coyo!!!! (by Top With Cinnamon via The Kitchn)- Super Salty Liqourice Ice Cream with Crushed Dark Chocolate from Milk & Arsenic! Dream world for a liqourice lover like myself <3- Adorable Fairy Toast from My Name Is Yeh <3- I SO wanna make this Oaty Banana Bread (by From The Kitchen) for breakfast and eat with butter and cheese <3<3<3- Buckwheat salads feels totally right for the coming spring months. For example this Buckwheat Bowl with Roasted Romanesco from Sprouted Kitchen. Light, crispy, nutty. Yum!- Citrus smoothies are all over the blogosphere right now (including in my kitchen. Stay tuned!). Like this Coconut Citrus Sunshine Smoothie from Dolly and Oatmeal and this crazy Chocolate Covered Clementine Smoothie from How Sweet It Is. Lovelovelove it!- Rum Buckwheat Pancakes with Vanilla Maple Syrup from Artful Desperado - SO on the list for next indulgent Sunday brunch.- And while talking brunch: how great aren't these Baked French Toast by Eva Kosmas Flores??- This Lemony Almond & Honey Dream Cake by Petit Kitchen sounds soooo yummy! I'm saving this recipe for early summer days, to serve with elderflower lemonade on the porch in warm breeze.- I'm so excited to fill my entire balcony with homegrown tomatoes, cucumber, peppers and herbs after reading this informative post from Atilio.And some non foodie crushes:- This tv show!!! The mood. The environment. The music!!! The acting. The script. So so perfect each episode gives me goose bumps. Everything in this show is so damn GOOD LOOKING! ; )- This song! (which is by the way part of above mentioned soundtrack). Definitely the soundtrack of my spring! I feel like I could run far far away or dance all night when listening to it. Instant love.xo AgnesAll photographs, recipes and content are Cashew Kitchen originals, unless otherwise indicated. Please link back to me and credit Cashew Kitchen when sharing. Thanks!