Oh my, my head is bursting with ideas! This always happen to me when the light returns in springtime. Alongside the cherry blossoms and road side blooms, my inspiration and energy awakens and I somehow manage to have twice as many ongoing projects as during wintertime. The last few days I've been recipe testing like crazy and I'm so excited to share all of these yummy creations with you soon! I feel like I finally start to get the hang of my daily routines with work vs. blog vs. rest so I think I'm gonna be able to post recipes more frequently from now on! But as always I value quality over quantity : )I've been meaning to ask you guys if you would be interested in reading an "in my pantry"-post? I know I use a lot of ingredients that most people might not have readily at hand, so I thought it would be good with a guide to my favorite things to always keep at home, how to use them and where you can get them. Then I can link to that guide in the sidebar so you always have it close at hand when you need to look up a certain ingredient. It will of course not cover all the grains, seeds, nuts, flours etc. that I use, but the most common one's. What do you think? :DThis post is not really supposed to be about me, but before we get to the links of this month I just wanna remind you of the social channels where you can find Cashew Kitchen : ) If you always wanna know what I'm up to, both blogwise and instagramwise, Facebook is the place to be. Wanna peak into what inspires me? Check out Pinterest! To never miss a post, follow me on Bloglovin. And finally, for more or less daily updates with in-the-making-pics, breakfast scenes and some nature photography, follow me on Instagram : ) Btw! Have you seen that I've linked to all my favorite blogs in the sidebar to the right? Scroll down to find it. And please leave a note in the comment if you know of an awesome blog that I ought to check out! : )-Jisses, mitt huvud är sprängfyllt av idéer! Det här händer alltid mig när ljuset återvänder på våren. I takt med att körsbärsträden blommar och vägkanten fylls av vårblomster så väcks min inspiration till liv och jag får mer energi. På nåt sätt lyckas jag alltid hålla igång dubbelt så många projekt på våren som under vintern! De senaste dagarna har jag recepttestat som en galning och jag ser SÅ fram emot att få dela med mig av alla nya recept till er här snart! Det känns som att jag äntligen börjar få rutin på min vardag med jobb vs. blogg vs. vila (jag har ju ett näst intill heltidsjobb utöver bloggen så ibland är det inte helt lätt att balansera allt) så framöver kommer jag nog kunna dela med mig av recept här lite oftare. Men som alltid så värderar jag kvalitet över kvantitet : )Jag vill fråga er om ni skulle vara intresserade över att se ett "mitt skafferi"-inlägg här? Jag använder ju en hel del ingredienser som alla kanske inte har hemma, så jag tänkte att det vore på sin plats med en guide till vilka basvaror jag alltid har hemma, hur en kan använda dem och var de går att få tag på. Så kan jag länka till den guiden i sidobaren framöver så att den alltid finns redo att titta tillbaka till : ) Den kommer förstås inte kunna täcka alla nötter, frön, mjöler etc. som jag använder utan främst de vanligast förekommande. Vad tror ni om det?Egentligen ska ju inte det här inlägget handla om mig, utan om allt annat där ute i etern som jag förälskat mig i den senaste månaden, men innan vi går vidare till länkarna så tänkte jag tipsa som de olika sociala kanaler där en kan hitta Cashew Kitchen : ) För att ständigt hänga med i van som händer både på bloggen och instagram och annat så är Facebook the place to be. Om du vill få en inblick i vad som inspirerar mig - kolla in Pinterest! För att aldrig missa ett blogginlägg, följ mig på Bloglovin. Och slutligen, för mer eller mindre daglig uppdatering med in-the-making-bilder, frukostscener, lite naturbilder och annat, följ @cashewkitchen på Instagram : ) Förresten! Ni har väl inte missat att jag har länkat alla mina favvobloggar i sidobaren till höger om du scrollar ner lite? Tipsa gärna i kommentarerna om ni vet någon grym blogg jag borde kolla in!
For previous link love posts, check out November, December, January, February and March.As usual, we keep the link list in english only : ) Here we go!- I've been keeping a bag of puffed quinoa at home for weeks ready to make these Nut & Quinoa Chocolate Bars. I never seem to have the time! But this Sunday I think it's finally going to happen :D- Drooling over this Black Sesame Cappuccino from Golubka Kitchen <3<3<3- This awesome post by Elenore made an incredible impact on me, and now I'm super inspired again to make a complete transition into natural skin and beauty care, as well as gradually replacing plastic stuff in my home into long lasting and high quality stuff in natural materials.- And while speaking of natural skin care, Mary just posted a recipe for a vanilla scented body butter that looks incredibly fluffy and only has three ingredients! She also made super pretty stickers for the jars for everyone to print out. How awesome?!- Something about this simple and vibrant Rainbow Power Salad with Roasted Chickpeas from Pinch of Yum totally spoke to me. Looks sooo good!- A few years ago I spent a couple of weeks in Chile. One of the things I remember most vividly is pisco sour. Gosh I loved that drink! Maybe being 17 not really being allowed to drink it is one of the reasons why I still long for that drink ; ) Anyway, the idea of Honey-Rhubarb Pisco Sour is just too good to be true! Hand claps and confetti to Carey from Reclaiming Provincial for coming up with this awesome idea.- This month I also stumbled upon Rania's beautiful photography blog! Living in the north of Sweden, she blogs about down shifting and the beauty in little, everyday moments. Her blog has a wonderfully slow and thoughtful mood. If you're not familiar with her work, go check it out!- Actually I have to share yet another one of Mary's creations. Her Apple & Rosemary Hand Pies with White Chocolate just looks too good! <3- And finally, tonight is the last chance to vote for your favorite food blogs in Saveur Blog Awards! There's sooo many awesome blogs nominated, so head over right now and show some love <3I wish you all a sunny May filled with lots of adventures! Speak to you soon lovelies :*AgnesAll photographs, recipes and content are Cashew Kitchen originals. Feel free to go wild on pinning and sharing, but remember all content is protected by copyright. Always link back and credit Cashew Kitchen when sharing. Thanks!